Appropriate Dispute Resolution Centre® (ADR Centre) offers legal assistance to all employees and employers in all legal
matters (civil, criminal, family and labour).
This service includes:
• Disciplinary hearings at the workplace,
• Presentation to the CCMA of your matter, and all other forums.
• The initiation by members, in giving the facts of their matters to the legal advisor
• The legal advisor will determine whether or not an internal remedy is available, whether the matter is indeed a service ADR Centre provides or whether it is excluded in terms of the agreement.
• The advisor will then consider the facts and explain the applicable legislation, statutes or other mechanisms that governs or provides statutory guidance ,and inform the member of the procedure to follow to resolve the dispute.
• The member may be given a set of options to consider for conclusion of the matter , with estimated time and costs.
Where an internal remedy is viable, and instructions given by the member, then:
• Matter progresses to the application of alternative dispute mechanisms (mediation, conciliation, arbitration, disciplinary hearings, union negotiations, etc.)
• Where all internal remedies are exhausted, a certificate of non resolution gets issued.
• If a certificate of no resolution is issued ,all records that were kept on the client’s file ,pertaining the matter ,is given to the relevant practitioner with the certificate of no resolution..
• Instructions are given by ADR Centre’s advisor, saving the cost of initial consultation, along with the convenience of not to have to repeat the facts for a second time.
ADR Centre places specific emphasis on the maintenance of a functional relationship between the disputant parties after the dispute was resolved.